Yes, I'm still doing hexagons! And I'm making progress! All the flowers are done, just have to add 7 more and the top and side fill-ins. And I'm lovin' it. We ran out of stamps, but have more ordered and I should be bringing them in next Wednesday. In the mean time, I encourage you to check out . Linda Franz has developed a method for printing cutting and sewing lines directly onto your fabric. There's a video on you tube that shows all about hexagons and she's got a free hexagon design book for download on her site. . Spend some time there and you'll be amazed.
We do have the patterns for the apron all done. Cindy was good enough to model for us! You can wear them either direction. And they're incredibly comfortable.
Now for the big news!! We're getting ready for the Fall Open House! This year it is being held on September 10 & 11. Special guests on Saturday the 11th is The Spoon Man and his wife . The Spoon Man hand carves 18th century wooden spoons out of cherry. Beautiful and useful. His wife makes 18th century dolls and their clothes. Both will be demonstrating their art and selling their wares. If you want to see a picture of them, go to any roadside rest stop and check out the Ohio map--they're listed as special attractions for the state. Watch for the newsletter in your email for all the particulars for both days. If we don't have your email, drop in or call the shop and get added so you don't miss out on all the news and specials.
We got some homespuns in on Wednesday--wonderful stripes: blacks, reds and a mustard. One of the reds is absolutely perfect for Christmas!
Hasn't Laura done a wonderful job tweaking the blog look? Red is such a yummy color! And she's so much better posting photos than I am, so we'll leave the important ones to her.
More later!
the other linda
Good Wives. Thanks for share this post.
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